PLEASE VISIT http://popcultureshock.com/no-cure-for-comics FOR NEW "NO CURE" CONTENT!

A few weeks of regular posting have paid off for me. The powers that be at Pop Culture Shock have taken notice and offered me an exclusive million dollar contract for the privilege of hosting new No Cure For Comics content on their site!
Okay, I made up the million dollar contract...but I'll totally get more hits out of this move. DOZENS AND DOZENS MORE HITS--muwahaha!!! BIG TIME, HERE I COME!!!
Actually, for those of you stalking me (or just paying attention), you may recall that I used to write for Pop Culture Shock (and its temporary redesign alias Buzzscope.com) a couple of years ago, so this move is something of a homecoming. So come back home with me, lovers of comics and cancer, as I return again for the first time, and take my bloggery to an all-new, all-different, but pretty much exactly the same level as part of the PCS family!
And if you've grown attached to this site, don't worry--it's not going anywhere. I can't promise I'll post here again anytime soon, but you can always use this post as your gateway to the new PCS/No Cure For Comics content.
So please click on over to http://popcultureshock.com/no-cure-for-comics to join your regularly scheduled blogging, already in progress.
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