SO...instead of reviewing this week's books myself, I'm going to let the books review themselves. I think you'll catch on right away and understand how I feel about each book based on the panels I choose, but in case you're one of those dopes who failed Lunch in grade school, here's an example:
Suppose I hated Marvel Zombies Return #3. This is the panel I'd use...

Of course, the fact is, I am loving this series and I'm kind of embarrassed to be drawn in by what should be the deadest of dead horse my actual "review" panel is this one:

Follow? Rocket science, I know.
Remember that thing about me not feeling like writing a lot this week? Yeah...back to that.
Dark Avengers #9, wherein we move away from all that distracting X-Men nonsense from the past few weeks in order to get inside the head of a God. Two, actually, if you want to be technical, gross, and spoilery:

Invincible Iron Man #18, wherein the Eisner-Award-winning Best New Series continues to tell a story that should be called Tony Stark: Disassembled. Spoiler alert --> Tony punches a little kid in this issue, and the punk totally had it coming:

Amazing Spider-Man #605, wherein tag-team creative teams wrap up the Chameleon storyline and begin to fill in some of the blanks about where MJ has been during Spidey's "Brand New Day":

Batman and Robin #4, wherein Grant Morrison continues writing the all-new, all-different dynamic duo sans Frank Quitely's art, and following a just-okay third issue:

Captain America Reborn #3, wherein Ed Brubaker continues writing one of the only ongoing, monthly, pamphlet-style, mainstream comic books that you can refer to as a "graphic novel" and not feel like a douche for using the term incorrectly:

(I kind of reviewed that one myself just a little bit, didn't I?)
Blackest Night #3, wherein Firestorms from both sides of the grave take center stage:

Walking Dead #65, wherein what I said about Cap Reborn also applies, only the writer is Robert Kirkman, and the comic has been wrenching guts, breaking hearts, and eating brains for 65 consistently awesome issues:

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