Unlike the Bendis/Maleev Spider-Woman thing, which is an original made-for-motion project, the X-Motion project is based on the existing and very successful "Gifted" storyline that was written by Joss Whedon and illustrated by John Cassaday (I hear they're both quite good at what they do). This is cool, because if it is successful and the transfer to the new format works, we can look forward to more existing stories translated to the format. I'd love to see some Incredible Hulk circa 315-320, Walt Simonson Thor, and black-suit Cap released this way.
Another difference is that this motion comic project is being done with a completely different technique, by a totally different studio than Spider-Woman, Neal Adams' Continuity Studios.

I've mentioned before how I'm buddies with Josh Adams, and it was because of this that I got to hang out with the Adams family for a short while a few weeks back and hear a little bit about the different approach Continuity has taken with this project from Neil Adams himself, over the best BBQ ribs I've ever had in my life (courtesy of Mrs. Adams).
Seriously--the best. If you envy me for anything regarding this story, envy me for the ribs. But it was also quite the fanboy moment for me and one of my dates for the BBQ, best-selling author/former dungeon master Peat, to spark a conversation with the senior Adams (on his birthday, no less) where he swelled with passion and excitement over his potential role in revolutionizing comics (again). I didn't record this or transcribe it, and really I just summed it up for you right there, but I walked away from that conversation very excited about the finished project to come.
I had already been looking forward to any news about the Astonishing motion comic before I even knew Neal or Continuity was involved, but knowing some of the hard work, inventive strategies, and genuine respect and determination to retain the total integrity of the original creators' work that has gone into it has me even more psyched. You see, I love me some comics...but I'm a lazy reader, I have limited shelf space, and I own an iPod. If, instead of "waiting for the trade" on some books, I can wait for the "motion pack" (or whatever the hell they'll call a motionized tpb), and it will be just a small step away from a fully-animated film, that would be awesome.
Plus, now I have two Neal Adams food anecdotes to share.
Honestly, I think one of the greatest advantage of motion comics is their potential to bring in new fans. There are plenty of folks who'll WATCH something by Whedon, but would never, ever pick up a funny book.
Get 'em to WATCH Whedon. Then get them to read it. And from there, it'll just snowball. Right? :-D
Totally. I mean, I like to READ my comics, and I like prefer them serialized, so I'm all about the floppies. But if a few special projects can create alternative additional revenue that keeps my floppies coming out and affordable AND creates a way for Marvel (and eventually DC, Image, etc) to release out-of-print classics that they otherwise would bother with or I other wouldn't have a spot for on my shelf...sweet.
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