I don't know if I even have any UK readers, but this is the World Wide Web. I recieved a PR e-mail about this comic competition and love the artwork on the e-flyer, so...
Click the pic to enbiggen.
Also, since it is not exactly easy to read, here are the contest details (for UK residents only, you wankers!):
Entrants to the competition will be in with the chance to create a unique comic style story in collaboration with acclaimed musician and writer Dev Hynes aka Lightspeed Champion. After the first round of judging at the end of September, shortlisted entrants will be given Lightspeed Champion's comic script as inspiration and asked to create a visual adaptation of the story. The winning commission will be published in a comic alongside new work exploring the issue of Corruption by some of comic’s greatest talents. The work will also be showcased as part of a new exhibition, Ctrl.Alt.Shift Unmasks Corruption, later this year at Lazarides Gallery, Soho.
To enter the competition, please send examples of your visual work (for example sketches, comic strips, animations etc...) along with your contact details, to comiccomp@ctrlaltshift.co.uk by Friday 25th September.
Five shortlisted artists will then be given a comic brief to respond to and a winner chosen by a panel of judges including: Marjane Satrapi (Writer and Director of Academy Award Nominated Animated Film Persepolis) Paul Gravett (Comica founder), V V Brown and David Allain (Musician and Comic Book Writer/Artist duo), Lightspeed Champion and Ctrl.Alt.Shift. The competition is restricted to UK Residents only.

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