Saturday, December 18, 2010

"Birthday Wish" Update--Let's Keep it Going!

My birthday was this past Monday, and even though we haven't hit the specific goal I set (yet) for MSKCC, the Comics Cure group on has raised close to $300 and is now almost 70 members strong. The Crowdrise thing is lagging, but has even more potential for getting good geeks doing good, for a wider range of causes and in a fun way. You can still make donations to MSKCC through Comics Cure on both sites and through the sidebar widget here. Every penny goes right to the cancer center. (Why do you think I'm running on Blogger?!)

So let's keep it going! Spread the word about the Comics Cure Call to Action, share tales of your own do-goodery or causes in need (seriously, e-mail me and I will post them), or just go do some good!

Remember: You don't have to wear underwear on the outside of your pants to be a superhero! I hope to have some all-new, all-different ways for you to play hero in the new year.

Happy Holidays!

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